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Race * -American IndianAlaska NativeNative HawaiianPacific IslanderBlack or African AmericanAsianAsian AmericanWhite
Program * -UndecidedBiblical StudiesPastoral StudiesChristian EducationChristian CounselingSecondary EducationEvangelism & MissionsElementary EducationEarly Childhood EducationBasic Biblical Studies (Certificate)Biblical Studies (Certificate)Basic Leadership Training (Certificate)Leadership Training (Certificate)Basic Chaplain Ministry (Certificate)Chaplain Ministry (Certificate)Basic Pastoral Training (Certificate)Pastoral Training (Certificate)Home School Teacher (Certificate)Christian School Teacher (Certificate)Evangelism & Missions (Certificate)
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How many years have you been active in ministry?
What is your previous ministry experience. * -Church StaffOtherN/AApostleProphetPastorTeacherEvangelistBishopChristian Counseling
Do you plan to graduate from Holy Bible College? * -YesNo
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Jesus Christ is God incarnate who was begotten by the Holy Spirit and born of a Virgin. He lived a sinless life, died on the cross, was raised bodily from the dead, ascended to heaven, and is now seated at the right hand of God. He will return to earth in great glory. * -I Agree with the Statement of FaithI do not Agree with the Statement of FaithN/A
Will you make a diligent effort to pray and read God's Word daily, to faithfully attend a Bible-believing church, and to honor the Lord by abstaining from sinful acts? * -YesNoN/A
I understand that Holy Bible College is a religious school. Credits are not guaranteed to be accepted by secular or state-run programs. I also understand that ACI is a private school organization unrelated to government accreditation. An accrediting organization is a watchman on the wall. Webster defines accreditation as to give trust or confidence to; to vouch for; to recommend; to furnish with credentials, as an envoy or ambassador. Every accreditation group is not the same. They are different and focused in different areas of accreditation. Accrediting Commission International is an international accrediting commission that holds as its primary objective the encouragement and maintenance of sound scholarship and the highest academic achievement in the areas of private education. Quality education is the goal at all times. Its purpose is the preparation of quality education in private schools, colleges, and theological seminaries. It is a non-governmental body and makes no claim to be connected with the government. A degree covers the major taken with that degree. A student or potential student must understand that credits taken in one type of program may or may not transfer to another type of program. This is the sole determination of the receiving institution. The job market is highly competitive. Training is specialized in most fields. A graduate in one field may have difficulty in being hired in a field they are not certified for. By agreeing with this statement, the student understands the type of degree applied for and neither ACI nor Holy Bible College is responsible for the student’s employment goals. * -I Agree with the statementI Disagree with the statement
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